Ticket to Ride: Inside the Beatles' 1964 and 1965 Tours that Changed the World Interview by Larry Kane
Publisher DLO Records 2003 | Length 58:27 minutes | ISBN n/a | Language English | Audio CD in MP3 / 96Kbps | 42 MB
Ticket to Ride is a 2003 memoir by Larry Kane. It accounts his experience as the only American reporter to travel with The Beatles' entourage in their 1964 and 1965 tours of The United States and Canada[1], at the height of Beatlemania. At the time the offer was given to him, Larry Kane was not himself a Beatles fan, so he wrote from the perspective of a journalist rather than a fan. Kane was recognized by the band to be reliable, likable and professional, and he gained the trust and confidence of each individual [2]. As a direct result of this trust, Kane was given access to areas of The Beatles' psyches which other newsmen were not admitted to. At one point it tells the story of how The Beatles' manager, Brian Epstein, was courting Kane; oblivious to the whole situation, and as a result, Kane unknowingly led Epstein on. The book comes with a companion CD which contains interviews with The Beatles and commentary from the author looking back on the events from his current perspective.
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