Alain de Botton - How Proust Can Change Your Life
Audiobook | ISBN-10: 0679779159 | English | MP3 64.00 kbps | 83 MB
Philosophy, Psychology, Biography
Philosophy, Psychology, Biography
Alain de Botton has written a highly amusing yet informative book which really does tell you everything you wanted to know about Proust but were afraid to ask! Taking as its starting point the life of the celebrated French writer and eccentric, this book shows how your life can be 'improved' via his work, with advice such as 'How To Suffer Successfully', 'How To Be Happy In Love' etc. Samuel West's brilliant and spirited reading includes a 15-second precis of all 7 volumes of the novel "In Search Of Lost Time" ("A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu) inspired by the unforgettable Monty Python sketch "The All England Summarize Proust Competition"! You''ll learn from this tape - but you'll laugh while you're doing it!
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